
Legal Writing Center Events

Fall 2023 Writing Center Workshops (these are part of the First Year Resource and Enrichment Series)

August 17, 2023

12:15 to 1:15, Room 160

  • Topic: Notetaking, Outlining, and Briefing video

August 31, 2023 12:15 to 1:15 Room 137

  • Tabbing Your Citation Manual and Style Guide video

October 19, 2023 12:15 to 1:15 Room 160

  • Plain English for Lawyers video

November 9, 2023  12:15 to 1:15 Room 160

  • Professional Communication 101 VIDEO

November 16, 2023 12:15 to 1:15 Room 160

  • Tips for Taking Exams

Spring Writing Center Workshops

January 25, 2024 12:15 to 1:15 Room 156:

  • How craft a good writing sample VIDEO

    On 1/25/2024 the Legal Writing Center Writing Fellows presented a workshop called "How to Craft a Good Writing Sample." During the workshop, the Writing Fellows discussed what employers are looking for in a wiring sample and how to professionally prepare a writing sample. Additionally, the Writing Fellows talked about cover letter tips and how to prepare for initial interviews and callback interviews. Finally, there was a question and answer session on all things related to job applications and interviews. 

February 8, 2024 12:15 to 1:15 Room 156:

  • Mastering Citation VIDEO

    On 2/8/2024 the Legal Writing Center Writing Fellows presented a workshop called "Mastering Citations." In this workshop, the Writing Fellows reviewed how to cite cases and statutes for memos and briefs. Additionally, the Writing Fellows talked about introductory signals, how to use explanatory parentheticals, and how to cite court documents. The Writing Fellows also discussed the difference between litigation writings and legal scholarship. Please note that the trademark statute example in this video is merely an example to show how to cite a statute. In your memos please only use the statutes/cases that have been assigned to you. The examples in the PowerPoint are just for teaching purposes and do not reflect the material you should use in your memos. 

February 29, 2024, Room 156 video

  • How to create a professional looking document

    On 2/29/2024 the Legal Writing Center Writing Fellows presented a workshop called "Grammar Woes Be Gone." This workshop focused on helping students make their memos, briefs, resumes, cover letters, and other documents look professional by using the grammar rules and tips in the Redbook. The Writing fellows discussed punctuation, quotes, active/passive voice, and many other grammar topics from the Redbook.

March 21, 2024, Room 156: VIDEO

  • Grammar basics, online tools, and troublesome words

    On 3/21/2024 the Legal Writing Center Writing Fellows presented a workshop called "Grammar Tools." In the previous workshop, called "Grammar Woes Be Gone," the Writing Fellows focused on grammar rules and tips. This presentation is an addition to the "Grammar Woes Be Gone" presentation. It discusses how to use different grammar tools. The Writing Fellows discussed grammar tools such as the Redbook, Grammarly, Grammark, and much more! 

April  17, 2024, Room 135,  Exam writing tips VIDEO

April 23, 2024, Room 156, Exam writing tips (repeat) VIDEO

  • Final exam - What to expect and helpful tips


At the end of each workshop, one lucky attendee will win this Writing Center T-shirt.  

writing center t shirt